Oki Sato
Chief designer and founder of design office “nendo”
Born in 1977 in Tronto, Canada. Received M.Arch. From Waseda University, Tokyo in 2002.
Established design studio “nendo” in the same year. Activity in design world has not been limited to any one area but is rather multifarious, spanning from graphic and product design to designing furniture, installations, windows and interiors. And even reaches into realm of architecture. Chosen by Newsweek magazines as one of “The 100 Most Respected Japanese ” and won many “Designer of the Year” of major awards include from Wallpaper” magazine and ELLE DÉCOR magazines. Nendo designs can be found in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, as well as Musee des Arts decoratifs and Centre Pompidou in Paris.
尊敬する日本人100人」に選出され、Wallpaper*誌(英)、ELLE D ECOR誌をはじめとする世界的なデザイン賞の数々を受賞。作品はニューヨーク近代美術館(米)・ポンピドゥーセンター(仏)・ビクトリアアンドアルバート博物館(英)など世界の主要美術館に多数収蔵されている。